Froebel Web
The leading English language online resource about Friedrich Froebel, creator of Kindergarten and designer of Froebel Gifts

International Froebel Society

Froebel in the Twenty First Century: challenges and uncertainties

This conference was held at Froebel College, Roehampton University, London, England in July 2004.

Froebel From Play to Work: Taking Froebel Forward

Second Biennial Conference of the International Froebel Society was held in Dublin, Ireland on 29 June to 1 July 2006.

Learning to Play - Playing to Learn

The July 2008 conference held at Wheelock College, Boston, Massachusetts, USA on 9-11 July, 2008.

Experts agree that high-quality early childhood education promotes the healthy cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development of young children.
Decades' worth of evidence shows that the highest quality early education is child-centred and play-based. And yet, in many places, early childhood education today is dominated by skills-based, academically-oriented, test-focused teaching.
We seek to change that.

The International Froebel Society seeks to bring together the widest number of people, who have an academic, professional or practitioner interest in the educational principles and practices of Friedrich Froebel.

Book cover
Friedrich Froebel : His Life, Times and Significance This book by Peter Weston for the general reader is an illustrated life that places him in the turbulent political and intellectual context of his times. It also identifies those aspects of his educational practice that are of enduring value in the contemporary world.
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Inventing Kindergarten secure online ordering
Inventing Kindergarten uses extraordinary visual materials to reconstruct this successful system, to teach young children about art, design, mathematics and nature
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